How to add extra column in search query of Active Directory

How to add extra column in search query of Active Directory


2) Connect to configuration partition

3) Go to CN=DisplaySpecifiers inside configuration

4) Go to CN=409

5) In right pane right click CN=Defualt Display and open its properties

6) Slect Extracolumns and click on edit

7) Add value in following format

<ldapDisplayName>,<Column Title>,<Displayed by default>,<Column Width>,<unused>

LDAPDisplayName value is ldap name of the filed that you want to get added

Column Title calue is Name of the column that you want to give

Displayed by default value decided whether this files should be displayed by default or not (value can be 0 or 1)

Column width value is the size of column that you want to keep

Unused must be zero

E.g if we want to add column for mobile number then format would be

mobile,mobile number,0,150,0

