Build Server on AWS Cloud

This post describes how to build server on AWS

Step 1: Login to AWS console

Step 2: Click on EC2

Step 3: It will open EC2 dashboard, Click on Launch Instance 

Step 4: It will take you to step of selecting AMI

AMI is Golden Image of server

You can select your own AMI (Created by you)/Market place AMI(Created by vendors and sold)/Community AMI(created by users in community)

Step 5: Select AMI

Step 6: Select Instance type

Refer link for current instance types with features and resources.

Step 7: Select number of instances

Step 8: Select your VPC or create your new VPC

Step 9: Select subnet in which you want to deploy the server or create your subnet

Step 10: Click on add storage

Step 11:Select size of storage of C drive or root volume and attach more volumes if required

 Step 12: Select your TAG e.g. Name (Name of instance).

You can create more tags by selecting create TAG

 Step 13: You can select existing security group or create new security group

Step 14: Provide name and description of security group and define rules for security group
Click on review and launch once done

NOTE: Instance will communicate on only ports that are defined in security group

Step 15: Review your selections and click on launch

Step 16:Select existing keypair or create new keypair

Step 17: Provide keypair name and Download newly created Keypair

NOTE: Keypair needs to be downloaded when create. There is no option to download keypair later.

Step 18: Check progress

Step 19: Check your new instance by going to Instances menu

Instance shows initializing.

Instance will be ready after initialization and passing two checks.
